Mental Hospital M.G.M. Medical College, Indore
Mental Hospital Indore associated with Government MGM Medical College Indore , Madhya Pradesh is a tertiary care institute , which is recognized as one of the center of excellence in mental health. This Hospital was established in 1917 by Holkar dynasty of Indore, In year 1998 , It came under administrative control of Department of Medical Education . Currently The Hospital has 155 Inpatient beds and Outpatient department along with diagnostic and Rehabilitation facilities. This hospital caters to a large population of Madhya Pradesh and neighbouring districts from Rajasthan and Maharashtra
Drug Treatment Clinic (DTC MH Indore) Is functional since February 2019. Currently daily OPD services are provided through this clinic in field of Deaddiction. Around 900 patients are registered in clinic till 2022 . major addictions encountered in this clinic are of alcohol , cannabis and opioids. Medications like disulfiram and naltrexone are provided free of cost to patients through this clinic. Besides pharmacotherapy individual and group counselling sessions are also provided. Patients who require Inpatient management are admitted in Psychiatry department , Mental Hospital Indore.
DTC Team details